Wednesday, February 21, 2024


 Connor is missing

Not just he turned his phone off and I can't call him. I mean missing. I tried to visit him at home and he was just. Gone. I went to his work. Nothing. I asked mutual friends. Nothing. 

Nothing at all. 

I found a letter in my mailbox today. Connors hand writing. Not envelope. All it read is. 

"The lurker is watching us"

That was it. 

Brief post because I'm about to head to the department for a missing person's report. 

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Holy shit

 Holy fuck

Biggest update yet yall so buckle up.

first things first. Connor did it. again. This time he went light and decided to just say fuck it. he returned 4 hours later. from his departure time. He did not tell me he was doing it. A lot happened so let me compartmentalize it a bit. 

1 The trip

Connor made a trek through the forest. He described an odd feeling that followed him through the forest. Watched almost. Different than the last time as he described it as " A permeating feeling of observation. I was stalked out there. This wasn't just some homeless person watching to make sure I didn't get close this was calculated. Even behind thickets of trees and bushes, the feeling persisted." He said the second he stepped onto the trail, the feeling started. It was as if this thing that watched him the first time was waiting for him to return. 

Connor then went on to tell me that half way to the marker he noticed someone in the forest with him. They were far off on the trail, standing motionless. They had very miss-mash clothing on. From the best he could make out they were wearing running shoes, but had long baggy hiking pants that had a camo/tactical decal. The pants seemed 3 sizes too large as they looked to be moving with the gentle winds. The thing that caught them really off guard was the hoodie which looked like a large pink thing with some kind of decal on the front. He said it was white so he partially assumed Hello Kitty. The 'person' stood there motionless. Hood up and pulled over their face. Hands tucked in to the hoodie. Connor called out to them. "Hey!" He called out hoping to get some form of response. The ' person' looked up a bit, hood still covering a fair bit of their face. "Are you okay?" Connor called. They shook their head silently. 

A sense of fear washed over Connor. His blood ran cold as he slowly reached for a knife in his pocket. Every instinct was screaming this thing meant to cause him harm. When he felt the handle of his knife, and that is when he heard the crying. The crying sounded distant. Much further than the person could have been. Connor's hair stood up on end and he booked it into the woods. Connor isn't an idiot let me tell you. He knows his way around the forest and understands how to progress in nature. He ran for dear life towards the river's shore line. As he ran further the crying sound persisted behind him and he swore he saw the person standing in parts of the forest. He'd pass a tree and see them in the distance to the left of him, then pass another and they were gone. Connor was so focused on spotting the thing he ran right into the fence that clocked Teddy's. which could not be possible as that was nearly another 3 miles west of where he was going. It didn't matter to him as he turned his back and saw the ' person' again this time closer. the crying still very distant. 

Connor climbed the fence quick, as he saw it as his way out. He fell on the other side and narrowly fell down the cliff that was on the other side. Getting up he saw the person. They were barely ten feet from the fence. He noticed details. Visible skin, pale almost too much so for any person to be without a condition that effects skin tone. The thing was tall. much taller than they could have been. Connor booked it down the side of the cliff as if he was trying to outrun a hungry lion that was on the prowl. After tripping and rolling a fair chunk of the way he landed hard on wet mud. Connor tried to catch his breath and with every labored inhale he could smell the putrid smell of copper. That is when he noticed why the ground was so wet. He was laying in a puddle of blood.

2 Teddy's

Connor nearly vomited and stumbled his way up to his feet. He looked up from where he fell and there it was at the top. Staring down at him. The thing was hungry but waiting for something to pounce. 

Connor ran through Teddy's in an effort to escape the thing. Staying close to the water. As he walked he noticed a sharp pain on every inhale. We later found out Connor had bruised his ribs and nearly broke them on the fall. Connor kept going trying to keep in bile that wanted to be released from his throat. Connor felt for his knife but realized it was long gone. After what felt like 2 miles of straight going he looked back to see the thing again. Standing at a distance. Connor finally released the vomit as he began to run again. Connor veered into the woods. No while Teddy's is blocked off on most fronts. Some locals do have homes far on the edge of the preserves property. Of course they were paid a well some to have the state have a fence erected on their property line. But enough commotion could get someones attention.

Connor ran through the dense woods hearing the wailing follow. He noticed weird details in the forest. He noticed trees stripped of bark with dark carvings. Clearings with nothing in them, just dirt in perfect circles. He also noticed odd things hanging from the tree's, clearly man made. He could not describe anything to me as he was more focused on the run. But a lot of them were similar. At one point he came to one of the dirt clearings and saw the thing again. This time it's face was open. He only described it as "Sadness in human shape." Connor screamed upon seeing it. The thing wanted this as it finally shambled slowly towards him. 

Next thing Connor described was his survival instinct kicking in. He grabbed a stone near his foot and lobbed it at the thing. It hit the face of the thing dead on. This is when Connor saw it's skin sagged and droop as if it was far too lose. The rock had an effect though. The being screeched and stumbled giving Connor enough time to run. After a bit he saw a fence which lead to a house. Connor lunged at it nearly busting it as he shambled up. Hearing the thing approaching fast Connor scrambled and fell into someone's yard.  Upon falling Connor could hear the things steps retreating. The wailing that followed it got louder as it got further. Connor watched as it ran. The things joints were all wrong and it's hands all too long. Connor passed out there his body spent. 

3 After

Connor woke in the hospital. When asked about what happened by the cops he said he was chased by a stray dog and was running to get away, eventually making it into that persons backyard where he tripped and hit his head after losing it. Connor called me and got me as a bit of a character witness for the cops. They mostly wrote it off as the home owner wasn't pressing charges regarding him being on private property. Connor told me everything there in the hospital where he still is. I''m here too actually in the visitor area typing this as quickly as I can. Look like before I said I don't believe in the paranormal but Connor has no reason to lie to me about this. I just put in a call to see if there were any 411 cases that could explain the blood. As of now there's been no call in's.

Again this is just off. Connor wouldn't lie to me about this. Especially with how terrified and how bad of a shape he was. Unless this is some elaborate way for him to lie about unpaid gambling debts to sharks, there's no way he could have just gotten this injured. 

I will update again when there is substantial updates but as of now. There's not much to say besides, I think there is something out there.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

NPS recollections.

 Hello there again. 

So. It's been a few days. Mostly delayed due to my hectic work schedules. I'm in early out late trying to balance personal freedoms, etc. Usual stuff. Before I turn this into a personal bitching blog you see out there. You're here for the intrigue. The mystique. Well. I have a little I think. 

I was recently talking to John the ranger I referred to in my last story. Now he has a really big imagination for the fantastical. Mothmen, Bigfoot, those weird gnomes people talk about I guess. All that stuff. So I decided to talk to him about his thoughts on weird circumstances in the forest. He said 

"I'd believe it man. The world as we know it is much much stranger than you or I could ever understand. The world is insane. Like that fish they found that was long extinct or whatever. Now if you ask me about...yknow Teddy's? I'd say maybe. Most of the time any SaR (search and rescue) situations come back with people seemingly drowned in the river down the cliff that way. But honestly. Some of the reports seem contradictory I guess. Like. I don't think being trapped in a river usually leads to pale eyes and people looking...wrong."

I asked what he meant and the files he spoke about because through my time here I have not seen those files. 

"Really? You've never gotten the SaR documents for some of those? I have to sign off before. Every single time the cause of death is listed as a concussion on slick rocks to the head. But. I don't know. How does that many people drop dead on the rocks? If I remember the scans we got in the files. A lot of the area has smooth walking ground past the cliffs. On top of that. Concussions don't take the color from your eyes. I'd know I was on the football team in college. So that's my two cents. If you can find them in the archive look for em they'd be listed around like 2020 to 2023 SaR reports."

And just like he said. I found the documents. Now I won't post much as they are private. But the cause of death is consistently blunt damage to the head. And based on Connors photos. I'd have to agree. The facts don't line up to the terrain. I asked Connor about it, and he said. 

"After the cliffs. Super smooth. There's a lot of birth between the river rocks and the land. Most of it was dry and easy to walk on." 

I then asked one of the older members of the service. I'll call him Jonah. Jonah has been around longer than anyone else. Most of us weren't even born by the time he started. He's a gruff but kind man who genuinely enjoys his time with us so it was easy to ask him. 

However when I asked. His usually calm demeanor turned to one of...worry? Trepidation? Not sure the best term honestly. He just seemed off put by it. 

"Look kid. I've been around awhile. You only stay around for awhile. If you know what to ask an not. I'd recommend not asking about those kinds of things. Cuz you never know what can be stirred up. All I'll say is. The woods need to be respected. Or else they won't respect you back. Do you good to remember that."

I decided not to push it. 

Everyone else I asked gave me basically a no for an answer regarding the supernatural or odd. 

Connor is still planning his trip. And I'm still telling him no. He's making. Odd claims now though. That something has been lurking around his apartment at night. That something has been making odd, inhuman noises. It's concerning. And I'm starting to think his paranoia is starting to get the better of him. I will report back with more when I have it. 


Monday, February 5, 2024


 Once again here we are


    A few more days pass, and a few more things unravel. Firstly I did research on the Sulfur smell thanks to this article  so thank you Department of health. Secondly I read up on 'Screaming in the woods' and I couldn't find much apart from creepy pastas which yes I know what that is I'm in my late 20's and have had the internet since I was like 10 (thanks mom and dad for leaving me unsupervised) However what I did see was a bunch of non credited urban legend 'news' reports about it in the area. I won't post these as it may lead to me semi doxing myself. See the thing is there is a lot of them that do correlate to what Conner was telling me. Weird smells? Check. Feeling watched? Check. Tech acting weird? Triple check. 

    See I don't really believe in the supernatural when it comes to the NPS. We don't have some weird humanoid cannibals hidden in the cave. I've never seen a Bigfoot, hell most of my coworkers WISH they would to make the day interesting. My work friend John literally has told people he has at bars just to get girls to listen to him. I've heard him tell 5 different stories to 5 different women. Needless to say I don't believe in these weird tales about something stalking people. 

    But a lot of people DO. I put out a call on my communities Facebook page about if they believe something lives in the woods I work in and like 12 people responded saying they do believe in. One guy posted an actually pretty interesting story with an accompanying photo that I'll copy paste. But overall. I think this is pretty normal circumstances mixed with paranoia. 

    On to Connor. He is super convinced something was stalking him. Weirdly enough, he wants to go back to the area. He keeps trying to convince me to go with him, which I called him an idiot for because I work there and know we AREN'T SUPPOSED TO TRESPASS. Like dude. Come on I work here I'm not breaking the law at my job. I told him if he wanted to go there he can easily go himself apparently. Connor is apparently prepping for a trip back out that I keep telling him is not worth 1 a charge 2 a bit of paranoia.

    Anyway that is my update. I am at work so I am gonna leave it here till I can learn more. I may ask about this stuff to the rangers and see what they think about it.

    Here is the story posted by some guy on Facebook.

"Yeah I believe in that stuff. I seen it. Back a week ago I caught this photo on my property. I live about 10 minutes out from the border of the preserve. Yall don't know the weird stuff that goes on on my property. I keep chickens. They get wriled up at night. My light dim randomly and  hear these weird noises outside at night. Something like crying or something like that so theres somethign weird. One night I heard the crying and walked out. The crying was getting further away and usually that stuff sounds way too close. My momma always said to avoid that shit if you hear it. keep salt and a good wicker broom but I took a pump action 410 instead. Saw nothin till i noticed something moving behind a tree. Took a photo to use my flash to see this thing moving and got this. I aint leaving the house after dark again. Couldn't even shoot at the thing becasue I damn near pissed mysel. My phones been acting weird since"




Saturday, February 3, 2024


 Been a few days.


    Now I don't have much but I do have an update on Connor's end. 

    Connor basically confirmed he jumped the fence and claims it was not for clout. He "Wanted the pictures as a keep sake" as he felt soon others may try to do the same thing. Which to me sounds like "I wanted to say I was there first"  personified. Either way Connor told me some more about the trip. He stated that yes there is a cliff that drops very steep past the fence. He had to basically side step down to be safe. He followed the river to the clearing while marking his way with tin foil to spot. He told me something that I found odd. 

    "While I was walking down the path the river laid out I noticed a weird smell. The smell was like... Sulfur mixed with Rotting meat." He asked me the composition of the river, which while having a high mineral count does not contain Sulfur. Quite frankly in our area Sulfur is impossible to come by so smelling it is concerning. He told me that as he got closer to the clearing the smell got worse. He assumed he got to the source of the smell but he found nothing. No fish, dead bodies, nothing at all just a river head. The water was in no way still enough to cause any smells like that. 

    He also told me this 

    "I was walking and taking pictures but as I moved further in, my camera began to act off. Like I heard sounds coming from it. Like a hum as if it were overheating. I swear I also felt watched... Like something was keeping an eye on me." Now in the woods its super common to come into a headspace of being hunted. It's in our DNA to be skeptic of the woods. When I told him this he shook his head and said. " I know that feeling man. It was not that. 

    I asked him about the person I thought I saw in the photo and all he said was "I saw no one... but I swear... And absolutely swear on the name of God. I heard crying in the distance after taking that photo..."

    This set off all the alarm bells in my head as I ran through the idea of sending out a 411. I was about to scold Connor for not looking to help in some way like dialing 911 before he cut me off. 

   " I walked in the direction that it was coming from. Every step had it...further...further and further.. It was like whoever was crying knew I was getting closer and wanted to stay hidden... The smell got worse as I walked... I heard something moving in the bushes near me at one point and I took off running... That's when I returned home quick..."

    Connor refused to talk more on it. 

    Now this shit is just...So weird. Has anyone reading heard of Teddy's Regret and heard of anything like a sulfur smell?? Further even. Has anyone had anyone go missing in that area???

- Arbor

Thursday, February 1, 2024


    My name (as far as I'll tell you) is Arbor. I am as archivist who works with the National Parks Service. I will not give out my location obviously as I've been using the internet for years and that would just be a poor idea. My job basically involves keeping catalog on changes in the service, as well as helping with book keeping. I'm sure you could imagine, very riveting work. I did not make this blog just to complain about the monotony of 'Arbor can you get this book from storage for the year 19xx' I made this blog as a way to showcase some oddities that involve my hobby. You see while I archive documents for the Service, my favorite thing is archiving video and photos. Preferably pertaining to nature. If you haven't noticed I like the outdoors and its why I took a job in the Service anyway. I dreamed of being a Ranger when I was a kid, but that job doesn't exactly pay the bills. 
    That aside and back to the matter at hand, my friends are all avid hiker/ nature influencers, people who basically make a living off social media photos of cliffs and rivers and beautiful scenery or the natural facts of the world etc you know the type. So I naturally offered to help keep track of their photos they keep in reserve for slow weeks. Tons of people on socials do this as a way to keep up with algorithms. It's a solid way to keep that revenue up when they want to vacation off Insta or Tiktok.  I've happily done this for them for the fun of it. I like looking at the photos, putting in their locations and such. I do it myself even, but keep my photos to myself.
    Now with social media its a given that you push the limits of what others do. As it stands, all my friends who do this stuff play it very very safe. Staying on public trails or well known viewing areas that they find new angles to capture to put over their *insert advertisement* post. All of them do this except one. My friend (who will be known as Connor from now on.) wanted to innovate. Connor has a smaller following than my other two friends who do this kind of work, in fact so small he still works a full time position as a chef. He had an idea that would help him out a lot however. See the area I am located in has... Well to be said rumors. The preserve I work for has a very large expanse of open area to the public. Yet we do have one area that is off limits. This area is stated to be "Teddy's Regret" to locals. Stated as so for one large reason. 
    A lot of people disappear in Teddy's Regret. 411 cases in that area are significantly higher than other areas of the park. To a point the service set up a barricade to prevent people from entering. By that I mean a chain fence but we are the NPS after all not a lot of extra funding for that kinda stuff. People still get in obviously but the return rate is... Low. It's said there's a beautiful river clearing that caps the head of a large flowing river that runs through most of the preserve. Connor wanted to be the one to get a photo of it. He confided this to me a few weeks ago. I obviously told him that was stupid and that I wanted nothing to do with it because that is a criminal offense on trespassing charges and I have a roof to keep over my head. Connor promised me he would not do it, which ended up being an obvious lie. 
    I hadn't heard from Connor in 2 weeks before today. When he sent me a Google drive of photos with the name "I got them". I looked into the drive and found a few photos that were pretty run of the mill.
Below are them:

         Nothing of too much note to start. Just mushrooms which are Connor's specialty. He grows his own kits and collects images of them ETC. Then I saw this.

     Son of a bitch jumped the fence. I know this because this area lines up to a 3d drone view of the area in our catalog of Teddy's. It also matches up with the description the Rangers gave me of the area when I asked. The Ranger stated that was one of the top search areas for missing individuals who come up as 411 as its near the end of the river. I've been messaging Connor non stop about this. He hasn't responded much since the drive was sent because he's been "Busy" but from what I can gather he jumped the fence more than likely and got these photos. Now most of them are pretty normal. However one set of photos does stand out. Stuck in a folder that was initially zipped with no name was a collection of distorted images. This is more or less where I say. I need help.
    Connor's images have odd artifacting that has me very confused. The artifacts only appear on 3 images in 3 specific locations ranging from low artifacts to high. Connor's camera settings were perfect and he's never had this problem previously. So I have 2 things to ask. 1 Has anyone seen this type of artifacting. 2 Am I suffering from pareidolia or is there someone in the last image?

        Like I SWEAR that is someone standing there. But none the less this is what has the most artifacting. In the mean time I will be looking for more information from Connor as to what he saw there and why he even thought this was a good idea to begin with.
    Thank you for the help anyone out there in advance. 


 General updates... I was able to get a few videos to work. they seem sequential, so I took the liberty of mixing them all together in premi...