Saturday, February 3, 2024


 Been a few days.


    Now I don't have much but I do have an update on Connor's end. 

    Connor basically confirmed he jumped the fence and claims it was not for clout. He "Wanted the pictures as a keep sake" as he felt soon others may try to do the same thing. Which to me sounds like "I wanted to say I was there first"  personified. Either way Connor told me some more about the trip. He stated that yes there is a cliff that drops very steep past the fence. He had to basically side step down to be safe. He followed the river to the clearing while marking his way with tin foil to spot. He told me something that I found odd. 

    "While I was walking down the path the river laid out I noticed a weird smell. The smell was like... Sulfur mixed with Rotting meat." He asked me the composition of the river, which while having a high mineral count does not contain Sulfur. Quite frankly in our area Sulfur is impossible to come by so smelling it is concerning. He told me that as he got closer to the clearing the smell got worse. He assumed he got to the source of the smell but he found nothing. No fish, dead bodies, nothing at all just a river head. The water was in no way still enough to cause any smells like that. 

    He also told me this 

    "I was walking and taking pictures but as I moved further in, my camera began to act off. Like I heard sounds coming from it. Like a hum as if it were overheating. I swear I also felt watched... Like something was keeping an eye on me." Now in the woods its super common to come into a headspace of being hunted. It's in our DNA to be skeptic of the woods. When I told him this he shook his head and said. " I know that feeling man. It was not that. 

    I asked him about the person I thought I saw in the photo and all he said was "I saw no one... but I swear... And absolutely swear on the name of God. I heard crying in the distance after taking that photo..."

    This set off all the alarm bells in my head as I ran through the idea of sending out a 411. I was about to scold Connor for not looking to help in some way like dialing 911 before he cut me off. 

   " I walked in the direction that it was coming from. Every step had it...further...further and further.. It was like whoever was crying knew I was getting closer and wanted to stay hidden... The smell got worse as I walked... I heard something moving in the bushes near me at one point and I took off running... That's when I returned home quick..."

    Connor refused to talk more on it. 

    Now this shit is just...So weird. Has anyone reading heard of Teddy's Regret and heard of anything like a sulfur smell?? Further even. Has anyone had anyone go missing in that area???

- Arbor

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