Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Holy shit

 Holy fuck

Biggest update yet yall so buckle up.

first things first. Connor did it. again. This time he went light and decided to just say fuck it. he returned 4 hours later. from his departure time. He did not tell me he was doing it. A lot happened so let me compartmentalize it a bit. 

1 The trip

Connor made a trek through the forest. He described an odd feeling that followed him through the forest. Watched almost. Different than the last time as he described it as " A permeating feeling of observation. I was stalked out there. This wasn't just some homeless person watching to make sure I didn't get close this was calculated. Even behind thickets of trees and bushes, the feeling persisted." He said the second he stepped onto the trail, the feeling started. It was as if this thing that watched him the first time was waiting for him to return. 

Connor then went on to tell me that half way to the marker he noticed someone in the forest with him. They were far off on the trail, standing motionless. They had very miss-mash clothing on. From the best he could make out they were wearing running shoes, but had long baggy hiking pants that had a camo/tactical decal. The pants seemed 3 sizes too large as they looked to be moving with the gentle winds. The thing that caught them really off guard was the hoodie which looked like a large pink thing with some kind of decal on the front. He said it was white so he partially assumed Hello Kitty. The 'person' stood there motionless. Hood up and pulled over their face. Hands tucked in to the hoodie. Connor called out to them. "Hey!" He called out hoping to get some form of response. The ' person' looked up a bit, hood still covering a fair bit of their face. "Are you okay?" Connor called. They shook their head silently. 

A sense of fear washed over Connor. His blood ran cold as he slowly reached for a knife in his pocket. Every instinct was screaming this thing meant to cause him harm. When he felt the handle of his knife, and that is when he heard the crying. The crying sounded distant. Much further than the person could have been. Connor's hair stood up on end and he booked it into the woods. Connor isn't an idiot let me tell you. He knows his way around the forest and understands how to progress in nature. He ran for dear life towards the river's shore line. As he ran further the crying sound persisted behind him and he swore he saw the person standing in parts of the forest. He'd pass a tree and see them in the distance to the left of him, then pass another and they were gone. Connor was so focused on spotting the thing he ran right into the fence that clocked Teddy's. which could not be possible as that was nearly another 3 miles west of where he was going. It didn't matter to him as he turned his back and saw the ' person' again this time closer. the crying still very distant. 

Connor climbed the fence quick, as he saw it as his way out. He fell on the other side and narrowly fell down the cliff that was on the other side. Getting up he saw the person. They were barely ten feet from the fence. He noticed details. Visible skin, pale almost too much so for any person to be without a condition that effects skin tone. The thing was tall. much taller than they could have been. Connor booked it down the side of the cliff as if he was trying to outrun a hungry lion that was on the prowl. After tripping and rolling a fair chunk of the way he landed hard on wet mud. Connor tried to catch his breath and with every labored inhale he could smell the putrid smell of copper. That is when he noticed why the ground was so wet. He was laying in a puddle of blood.

2 Teddy's

Connor nearly vomited and stumbled his way up to his feet. He looked up from where he fell and there it was at the top. Staring down at him. The thing was hungry but waiting for something to pounce. 

Connor ran through Teddy's in an effort to escape the thing. Staying close to the water. As he walked he noticed a sharp pain on every inhale. We later found out Connor had bruised his ribs and nearly broke them on the fall. Connor kept going trying to keep in bile that wanted to be released from his throat. Connor felt for his knife but realized it was long gone. After what felt like 2 miles of straight going he looked back to see the thing again. Standing at a distance. Connor finally released the vomit as he began to run again. Connor veered into the woods. No while Teddy's is blocked off on most fronts. Some locals do have homes far on the edge of the preserves property. Of course they were paid a well some to have the state have a fence erected on their property line. But enough commotion could get someones attention.

Connor ran through the dense woods hearing the wailing follow. He noticed weird details in the forest. He noticed trees stripped of bark with dark carvings. Clearings with nothing in them, just dirt in perfect circles. He also noticed odd things hanging from the tree's, clearly man made. He could not describe anything to me as he was more focused on the run. But a lot of them were similar. At one point he came to one of the dirt clearings and saw the thing again. This time it's face was open. He only described it as "Sadness in human shape." Connor screamed upon seeing it. The thing wanted this as it finally shambled slowly towards him. 

Next thing Connor described was his survival instinct kicking in. He grabbed a stone near his foot and lobbed it at the thing. It hit the face of the thing dead on. This is when Connor saw it's skin sagged and droop as if it was far too lose. The rock had an effect though. The being screeched and stumbled giving Connor enough time to run. After a bit he saw a fence which lead to a house. Connor lunged at it nearly busting it as he shambled up. Hearing the thing approaching fast Connor scrambled and fell into someone's yard.  Upon falling Connor could hear the things steps retreating. The wailing that followed it got louder as it got further. Connor watched as it ran. The things joints were all wrong and it's hands all too long. Connor passed out there his body spent. 

3 After

Connor woke in the hospital. When asked about what happened by the cops he said he was chased by a stray dog and was running to get away, eventually making it into that persons backyard where he tripped and hit his head after losing it. Connor called me and got me as a bit of a character witness for the cops. They mostly wrote it off as the home owner wasn't pressing charges regarding him being on private property. Connor told me everything there in the hospital where he still is. I''m here too actually in the visitor area typing this as quickly as I can. Look like before I said I don't believe in the paranormal but Connor has no reason to lie to me about this. I just put in a call to see if there were any 411 cases that could explain the blood. As of now there's been no call in's.

Again this is just off. Connor wouldn't lie to me about this. Especially with how terrified and how bad of a shape he was. Unless this is some elaborate way for him to lie about unpaid gambling debts to sharks, there's no way he could have just gotten this injured. 

I will update again when there is substantial updates but as of now. There's not much to say besides, I think there is something out there.

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